Thursday, November 6, 2014


Outline of this week's program: 

1.     7:30-800pm: Singing with Adults



2.    8:00-8:15pm: Junoir songs and dance!
3.  8:15-8:30 pm: Prayer Time.
We selected the prayer leaders who gather prayer requests and lead the prayer. Also, tell story about last week how you applied biblical principles to your life. 

4.     8:30-9:15pm: Bible Study -- Bring your own bible! We start from the Kids World and Bible Exploration. 
KID'S WORLD includes lots of Bible lessons which are valuable for all ages (even teens and adults!), but especially for those up to age 12.

Kids World: 
Do Quizzes.
Memory Verses:

Bible Exploration: 
Here are lots of lessons which will help you become better acquainted with the Bible, God's Word to us, and discover valuable truths for living life. As you will see by the descriptions, many of these are geared to children but even more are meant for teens and adults. Enjoy discovering what God wants you to learn today!
*Bible Stories from Moody Bible Institute (for older children, teens and adults)
*David and Goliath Story (for teens and adults)
*Know Your Bible (4 sets of lessons for children)
*Light from the Old Testament (for mature teens and adults)
*Survey of the Scriptures (for teens and adults)
*A Journey of Faith with the Patriarchs (for teens and adults
*Book of Judges (for mature teens and adults
Lesson :
Memory Verse:

5. Movie Time!


Friday, October 31, 2014


Jessica and Tiffiny are back to teach for our children's program:-)
 Outline of this week's program: 

1.     7:30-800pm: Singing with Adults


2.     8:00-8:15pm: Prayer Time.
We selected the prayer leaders who gather prayer requests and lead the prayer. Also, tell story about last week how you applied biblical principles to your life. 

3.     8:15-9:00pm: Bible Study -- Bring your own bible! We start from the Kids World and Bible Exploration. There are also many series for older kids and younger kids. We can also elect the older child to be the assistant lead for the bible study time.
Today's lesson: 

Lessons 2: 
Do Quiz #2.
Memory Verse:

Level 1, Lesson 2:
Level 1, Lesson 2: Quizzes. 
Memory Verse:


Saturday, October 18, 2014


Last week, our church invited Li Cheng speaking in our church from Friday to Sunday. No Friday fellowship.
 Outline of this week's program:

2.     8:00-8:15pm: Prayer Time.
We selected the prayer leaderS who gather prayer requests and lead the prayer. Also, tell story about last week how you applied biblical principles to your life.

Linlin wants to thank God the good day she had. pray For daddy 's cold will be gone. pray for daddy's faith. pary for mom not to have any accidents. pay for mommy and popo for their arthritise getting better. pray for herselve she will have a good day tomorrow. 
Ping  pray for her children, jing, holcy and linlin being safe, obey God,study hard. God bless them, protect them everyday.

3.     8:15-9:00pm: Bible Study -- Bring your own bible! We start from the Kids World and Bible Exploration. There are also many series for older kids and younger kids. We can also elect the older child to be the assistant lead for the bible study time.
Today's lesson:

Jesus wants everyone to know that He died for their sins and that He wants to be their Saviour. If we have taken Jesus as our Saviour, He wants us to tell others too. And He has promised to be with us always.
Do Quiz #2.
Memory Verse: Matthew 28:20

Level 1, Lesson 1 : Our God is Wonderful.
Level 1, Lesson 1 : Quizzes.
Memory Verse:


Saturday, October 11, 2014


Today, we joined the Joyce Mayer's 2014 Conference at Albany Timesunion.  We received the powerful message from Joyce as well as singing and worship with The Passion Band featuring Kristian Stanfill and Christy Nockels.

Joyce Meyer is one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers. A New York Times bestselling author, her books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. Through Joyce Meyer Ministries, she teaches on a number of topics with a particular focus on the mind, mouth, moods and attitudes. Her candid communication style allows her to share openly and practically about her experiences so others can apply what she has learned to their lives. Joyce has authored 100 books, which have been translated into 100 different languages. She conducts close to a dozen domestic and international conferences every year, teaching people to enjoy their everyday lives. In the past 30 years her annual women's conference has attracted more than 200,000 women from all over the world.

Friday, September 26, 2014


Give thanks to the teen leaders (Jessica, Tiffany, and Iris) who have been faithfully leading the Latham Pure Fellowship children program in the past year, now they will participant in the youth fellowship at CCCGA. We will start our new children program from this week.

Here is a brief outline of our today's program. Please give feedbacks and provide your advices. We would like to gather the advices and opinions from parents and children. With the help from the Lord our God, our desire is to establish a Children fellowship that is fun and learning. which will enhance their faith and build up their meaningful childhood memories.

  1. 7:30-800pm: Singing  and dance! There are plenty of Children Gosple songs on youtube. We will prepare the song books for children.
  2. 8:00-8:15pm: Prayer Time.
    We selected the prayer leader who gether prayer requests and lead the prayer. Also, tell story about last week how you applied biblical principles to your life. Linlin shared her story that she was really upset and almost crying when a neighbor's 4 year old kid came playing her toys massing up everything while she was in school. But Bible tells her to love your neighbor, so, she decided to tell the neighbor, who just came from China a few days ago, it is OK to coming to our hourse playing her toys(she requested to put away a few of her favorate toys in her room:).
  3. 8:15-9:00pm: Bible Study -- Bring your own bible! We start from the Kids World and Bible Exploration. There are also many series for older kids and younger kids. We can also elect the older child to be the assistant lead for the bible study time. Today's lesson: The lost Kitten. (we did not have the time to do Bible Exploration today)
We Did the quize.
Study Scriptures: Luke 23. 
We learned the Bible tells us that all who do not take Jesus as their Saviour are lost. And they cannot go to Heaven. We Learned Jesus is God's Son. He came into the world to be our Saviour. We need a Saviour because we have all sinned. Jesus loved us so much He just had to come down and help us. He took the punishment for us. He died on the cross for our sins so we could go to Heaven. 
other resources:
4. 9:00-9:45pm: Movie and snacks. (we also have other options: drawings, crafts, WII sports, WII Dance,  chazze, board games, or preparing for Christmas program). We can set up two sessions for different age groups.
Today, we watched the videos: Samson A Judge in Israel, The Bible Story Of David And Goliath.

Based on parents suggestion, we can do some activities, such as visiting nursing home or the elders
...snging and making cards for the elders. pack food for the Albany Foodbank, donate and warp 
christmas gifts for the poor - we get the list from Albany County.