Friday, October 31, 2014


Jessica and Tiffiny are back to teach for our children's program:-)
 Outline of this week's program: 

1.     7:30-800pm: Singing with Adults


2.     8:00-8:15pm: Prayer Time.
We selected the prayer leaders who gather prayer requests and lead the prayer. Also, tell story about last week how you applied biblical principles to your life. 

3.     8:15-9:00pm: Bible Study -- Bring your own bible! We start from the Kids World and Bible Exploration. There are also many series for older kids and younger kids. We can also elect the older child to be the assistant lead for the bible study time.
Today's lesson: 

Lessons 2: 
Do Quiz #2.
Memory Verse:

Level 1, Lesson 2:
Level 1, Lesson 2: Quizzes. 
Memory Verse:


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