Thursday, September 10, 2015

Program plan 2015-09-11

After 2+ year of faithfully leading our Children program, Jessica has attended College this fall:-) May God continue blessing her growing in Christ in college. Tiffany is going to lead the children program from now on.

Here is a brief outline of this week's program.

  1. 7:30-8:00pm: Singing.
    Also Children worship songs:
  2. 8:00-8:15pm: Prayer Time.
    We select today's prayer leader who gathers the prayer requests and lead the prayer. Also, share your stories about last week how you applied biblical principles to your life.
  3. 8:15-9:15pm: Bible Study -- Bring your own bible! Click here to see the lesson plan.
  4. 9:15pm -- 10pm: drawing, art, youtub biblical movies. Click here

God Bless!

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