Saturday, October 10, 2015

Program plan 2015-10-11

Here is a brief outline of this week's program. 
  1. 7:30-8:00pm: Singing.
    Children worship song for Christmas:
    We sing the song once each week, and also mesmerize one verse each week. E.g week 1 mesmerize verse 1, week 2 memorize verse 2 and review verse 1.week 3 memorize verse 3 and review verse 1,2 and so on.
远远在马槽里 无枕也无床, 小小的主耶 觉很安康
众明星都望着 主睡的地方, 小小的主耶 睡在干草上
众牲畜呜呜叫 婴忽惊醒, 小小的主耶 却无啼哭声
我真爱小耶稣 敬求近我身, 靠近我小床 守我到天明
恭敬求主耶 靠近我身旁, 爱护我 接受我 做主的小羊
也保护众孩童 齐都安康, 教我们都能够 跟主到天堂
  1. 8:00-8:15pm: Prayer Time.
    We select today's prayer leader who gathers the prayer requests and lead the prayer. Also, share your stories about last week how you applied biblical principles to your life. 
  2. 8:15-9:00pm: Bible Study. This week we will study lessons #5. Bring your own bible! Click here to see the lesson plan. 
  3. 9:00-9:30pm -- 10pm: drawing

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